Flexible Working Jobs | Vincent Gurney Specialist Recruitment Agency in Basingstoke

July 25, 2022

Flexible working jobs: Walkin’ the walk, not just talkin’ the talk…

“Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living,” Dolly Parton lamented all the way back in 1980 – and it seems that more and more of us are singing along in 2022.

It might have taken a global pandemic, but it seems that businesses across all sectors are re-evaluating what the ‘workplace’ looks like – and rethinking their working hours, too.

Some innovative companies had already made flexible working jobs part of their culture and process pre-COVID. For those that hadn’t, lockdown showed them how it could be done – and maybe even make things better – for everyone.

A way to thrive – not just survive

Concerns about reduced productivity or lack of connection because of flexible working have been put to rest as performance excels and virtual communications technology comes into its own.

For many employees, flexible working has enabled a desirable work/life balance and wellbeing has improved. Happier workers means less absence and better staff retention. It’s win-win for organisations and their people.

The transition from ‘office’ jobs to flexible working jobs has seen many organisations not just surviving – but thriving.

Flexible working has many definitions

Gov.uk includes the following scenarios in their definition of flexible working:

  • Remote or ‘hybrid’ working e.g. work from home instead of or in combination with a company site

  • Part time flexible hours – working less than full-time or fewer days of the week

  • Compressed hours – working full-time hours but over fewer days

  • Flexitime – and employee chooses when to start and end work (within agreed limits) but works certain ‘core hours’, for example 10am to 4pm every day

  • Annualised hours – the employee has to work a certain number of hours over the year, but they have some flexibility about when they do so, creating a feeling of unlimited leave in other seasons

  • Staggered hours – the employee has different start, finish and break times from other workers

  • Job sharing – two people do one job and split the hours

  • Phased retirement – older workers can choose when they want to retire and gradually reduce their hours and work part time

Flexible working jobs: but what does it mean to YOU?

With flexible working jobs, practicalities listed on paper translate into life-changing benefits.

Free from the shackles of working 9-5 in a set location, you might be able to improve your health with more regular exercise, care for your family, study or travel more often. Or it might just simply give you the gift of more time and relief from that dizzying feeling that you’re always spinning plates.

CIPD research into flexible working showed that most frequently mentioned benefit was increased wellbeing through avoiding the commute (46% of survey participants), followed by enhanced wellbeing because of greater flexibility of hours (39%).

Flexible working – not just a buzzword here at Vincent Gurney  

Everyone is talking about flexible working but how many companies are practicing what they preach? Rigid processes sugar-coated in the odd token gesture are not the way to attract top talent to your business. It’s got to be woven into your company culture to benefit both employee and employer fully.

As a recruitment agency in Basingstoke, we help to match hundreds of people with the right jobs, including temporary and permanent jobs nationwide. On a daily basis, we see candidates benefit as they move into roles with greater flexibility.

Of course, we want to see every one of our own team flourishes as a result of flexible working too.

Vincent Gurney’s flexible working practices

If you work with Vincent Gurney, you will enjoy the advantages of:

  • A shorter working day – we’ve reduced our working hours and you can work 8-4 or 10-6 if that suits you better than 9-5

  • You choose where you work

  • 25-days holiday – we’ve increased it by 20%

  • No need to give notice when booking holiday, as long as it’s fair to your teammates

  • Hit your targets and choose an extra day off the following month

  • Never have to work on your birthday

  • One day off per quarter to get involved in proven charity work

Our culture is one of mutual trust and collaboration. We expect you to be responsive to clients and meet targets. However, we know how important it is for us to be responsive to employees’ needs and support their wellbeing, as well as their professional achievements and career progression.

Our flexible working jobs

Applying for flexible working recruitment jobs? We hope Vincent Gurney sounds like a company you’d like to get on board with.

Whether you have a background in recruitment, or you’ve always dreamed of a recruitment career, we are always on the hunt for new additions to the team. As Dolly sang, if you’ve got passion and a vision and you’re looking for a new way to make a livin’ – get in touch with us today.